(561) 455-1410‬ listed@CloseWithAnca.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you help me sell my house faster, and for a better price?

I will price your property right so that once listed with professional photos, you will receive competitive offers right away. I will assist you at every step of the way, and I will be in permanent communication with you at any time.

How do I find out how much my home is worth?

I personally research the local market and compile all valuations, then provide you promptly with the industry’s most accurate and comprehensive Broker Price Opinion (BPO) for your property. Please get in touch with me here, and I guarantee that you’ll receive an accurate BPO within 24 hours.

Should I order an appraisal instead of soliciting a Broker Price Opinion?

In an ideal world, the answer would be YES!

Most people look at the immediate financial advantage, and considering that the BPO is free, compared with an appraisal which would cost about $500 or more, depending on how big your house is and the location, most people will shy away from ordering an appraisal.

However, if you are serious about putting your house on the market, you should order an appraisal. And to show you how serious I am about selling your house for the best and fastest price, I will make you a unique offer: if you choose to appraise your house, I will deduct the price of the appraisal from my commission at the time of the closing.

Please call, text, or email me to explain to you why I am making this unique offer.

Should I price my home above market value?

The short answer would be NO!

Either way, I only list properties I have evaluated myself, and I only list them at a price no more than 3% higher than the recommended listing price I indicated on the Broker Price Opinion (BPO).

Listing the house at the BPO price guarantees that you’ll receive offers right away and it will sell quickly, most likely at least 2-3 % above that price, or even more if the local market is hot. Listing the house at a much higher price would bring a lot of visitors, but most likely no offers. If you’d like to find out why, please call, text, or email me, and I will get in touch with you right away to explain why that happens.

What is the Palm Beach county real estate market like at the moment?

Palm Beach County home values have gone up 3.4% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 3.0% within the next year.

What is the Broward county real estate market like at the moment?

Broward County home values have gone up 3.5% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 1.3% within the next year.

When would be the best time to sell my home?

Traditionally, the south Florida real estate market is hot all-year round. There is a slightly higher number of buyers during the winter months, because of snow-birds visiting from Canada, the northern United States, and Europe.

This is compensated to a certain degree by visitors from South America coming to south Florida in the summer time, when the weather gets colder in their countries.

Either way, if you know you have to relocate, please make sure to list your property with me at least 3 months before your relocation date.

How do I prepare to sell my house?

For each potential buyer, your house has only one chance to make a good impression!

Therefore, please make sure your property has a great curb appeal by improving the landscaping, cleaning the outside, and making any necessary repairs to the façade. Make the front door inviting with a fresh coat of paint, replace faded house numbers, and buy a new welcome mat.

Inside the house, remove the clutter and depersonalize so that buyers can envision their belongings in your home. Most importantly, eliminate bad or static odors. Hide the litter box and spray air neutralizer throughout your home. When you know I will be showing the home, please fill it with inviting smells by putting out fresh flowers and baking a batch of cookies.

How often will you be showing my property? Would an open house be necessary?

The first two weeks after listing a house, mostly during the weekends, there will be some showings, depending on how in demand your location might be.

If the house is priced right, then you will be receiving offers right away, and you can choose the best one or make counter-offers. If the house is not priced right, then you will only have the intrusion of the showings, and no offers.

The marketing plan for some listings might require us to organize an open house weekend, and we’ll determine that together from the very beginning.

How will we be staying in touch?

Please feel free to call, text, or email me any time. I prefer emailing, since I like to have a paper trail on everything I do related with real estate transactions. I usually reply right away, since I like you to rest assured that your property is in good hands.

I will send you a personalized report with the feedback I receive after the showings. If I receive an offer, I will forward it to you right away together with my recommendation about how to proceed.

Should I be at home during showings?

Definitely not! To make sure the buyer feels comfortable and is able to freely inspect your property, it is advisable to leave shortly before the scheduled time for the showing, and please make sure to eliminate any odors and open the curtains before leaving.