(561) 455-1410‬ listed@CloseWithAnca.com

career opportunities

A warm welcome to all newly aspiring real estate agents!

Whether you have years of experience or you’re just starting out in this exciting field, I am here to provide you with the optimal environment and all the learning tools and administrative resources you need to jump-start your real estate career.

This is a ripe time for expanding real estate groups, and with your help, we intend to make the most of it. Compared to previous years, sellers are more and more interested in getting a good price for the properties they want to sell, and the number of builders pulling permits to build single-family homes has increased by more than 50% since last year.

In this continually growing, yet fluctuating market, there may still be challenges, but the opportunity for resounding success is unquestionable!

We only require that you be open to provide a full time commitment to working with me and to prove that you have what it takes to be a friendly, dedicated agent who understands the requirements needed for complying with the highest standards with regards to customer support.

If you’re interested in an exciting career boost with prospects for exponential growth, please call (954) 580-5345, send your resume via email to [listed] at [closewithanca] dot [com] or fill out the form below.

All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.