(561) 455-1410‬ listed@CloseWithAnca.com


Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs has taught me a lot about the value of hard work and great customer service. My parents have worked all their lives to provide for me and our community and to teach me the real life benefits of being committed to the work we do.


My father owns multiple online businesses, and I started helping him with small projects very early on. Working there as a customer support representative was when I had my first taste of what it’s like to deal with efficiently solving the problems of our clients and how challenging, yet rewarding it can be to keep everyone happy. I learned that hard work, respect for the client, and maintaining the highest standards are essential for running a respectable, successful business.




My First Steps in the World of Real Estate

The beginning stages of my life have taught me what led to the successful endeavors I later had working in the real estate business.

I already knew how full dedication and an approach towards a friendly and honest interaction with the clients will be the cornerstone of my success, and I was fully ready to put all that to the test.

As my real estate career continued to develop, I realized the true value that honesty, fairness, perseverance and, of course, a truly reliable service can have when attempting to create a favorable situation for everyone involved. Also, throughout my years of experience, I realized how people value a genuine, friendly smile, but are even more willing to work with those who actually live up to their words, and are able to deliver the results that they promise.

These are, in my opinion, some of the simplest, yet most important lessons I’ve learned over the years, and, as I continued my work, I always strove to pass them on to my team members.


Going That Extra Mile towards Support and Dedication

Even though I have always enjoyed the idea of becoming successful in a competitive field such as real estate, what made me even happier was that I’ve managed to get to this point while maintaining the values, motivation, level of dedication and optimism I inherited from my father.

I have never lost my enthusiasm for offering quality customer service, and I am always prepared to make the best deal selling or purchasing a property as if it were my own.

I would like to thank you for your interest in my website, and should you decide to become my client in the future, I can promise no less than the very best services and the most reliable support for years to come.